
# vistors:

I'll make this simple. This diary has become a visual diary. Cut dry, to the point--nothing special. I'm an artist, but I'm not trying to be one here. I'm just showcasing what I feel, think, and see.


...and please pick up your mess before you leave!

+ -

forgot to be scared

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I love freaky shit and scaring the hell out of kids. Usually I work a haunted house, which I've done every year for the past ten years or so, but they didn't do one this year.

I have no costume, nothing to go as. Lying in a box somewhere is the infamous mask that made the newspaper article, but that won't do. You see, I have to work Halloween at the cafe. It surprises me that they expect business on a night where most people in their "right" mind would be out partying or doing something. Instead I'm left to hold down the fort because I have absolutely no plans for Thursday.

Friend #2 and I were pushing for a costume party at my place, but unfortunately my parents still occupy this house and that will never happen as long as they live here. My friends are most likely doing nothing anyway because they've "outgrown" the tradition of freaking people out and having a damn good time.

I could probably still manage a costume or something just to work in while I'm over there...I don't know.

Speaking of appearance, I need to do something with my hair. The length is a bit much and it's beginning to curl like crazy {my hair is straight when short and curly when long--go figure}. I figure it's time for the six month chop and some color. Technically, there should still be some color on my hair from the last time I had it done, but you can't tell. Dying red hair a slightly different shade of red doesn't do much for the eye. However, it helps keep my hair nice and workable and my color won't appear to fade with the winter months.

Like you care about my hair.

Enough rambling for this morning, I'm only up because my brother never made the time change and now proceeds to get up and ready for school one hour earlier than usual. He makes so much noise that it's ridiculous.

How can anyone sleep in this place?

added by aqua-luna on 10.29.02 8:24 a.m.

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No images may be taken, used, or reproduced without written permission.

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